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Student Life


  • African American History Club - Ms. Calhoun
  • Anime Club
  • Bible Club - Mrs. Johnson
  • B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S. Group - Mr. Geissler
  • Bowling Team - Mr. Buck
  • Business Professionals of America - Mr. Santos
  • DECA - Mr. Santos
  • Disc Golf -
  • Drama Club - Mrs. Burns
  • Drug & Alcohol Prevention Program - Mr. Geissler
  • Dungeons and Dragons Club - Mrs. Woodward
  • Eagles Going Green - Mrs. Stevens
  • French Club - Ms. Rhodes
  • Future Business Leaders of America - Mr. Santos
  • Hiking Club - Sponsor Ms. Brady
  • Ice Hockey Team - Mr. Jamison
  • International Student Organization - Mr. Marquez
  • John Adams Volunteer Association (JAVA) - Ms. Gaines
  • L.O.V.E. - Sponsors Mrs. Hoston, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Johnson
  • Mental Health Awareness Group - Mr. Geissler
  • Mock Trial - Mrs. Elliott
  • Model UN - Mr. Weaver
  • National Honor Society - Mrs. Stanton-Verduzco
  • Philosophy Club - Mr. Weaver
  • Quiz Bowl - Ms. Stanton-Verduzco
  • Science Olympiad - Ms. Troxel, Mrs. Wrasse
  • Sewing and Knitting Club - Ms. Caponigro
  • Ski Club -  Sponsor Mrs. Freel
  • Spanish Club - Ms. Stanton-Verduzco
  • Student Government- Ms. Ryan
  • Ulitimate Frisbee - Mrs. Berebitsky
  • Yoga Club - Sponsor Mrs. Freel



Academic Competition

Mock Trial
Sponsor: Mrs. Plasschaert, Ms. Zablocki
Description: Mock Trial is a competition with area schools that allows students to learn the trial process through real legal cases and presentations. Some students learn trial process and act as attorneys examining witnesses and arguing law. Others act as witnesses or victims answering questions according to their affidavits (stories).
Attendance is crucial.

Quiz Bowl
Sponsor: Mrs. Stanton-Verduzco
Description: Quiz Bowl is a fast-paced buzzer competition in which teams of four players compete to answer questions that cover academic subjects like literature and science as well as the broader world of culture and current events. Quiz Bowl competes on Wednesdays from September to February

Science Olympiad
Sponsors: Mrs. Wrasse
Description: Science Olympiad is team competition in which students compete in 23 events pertaining to various scientific disciplines, including earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Events are either knowledge-based (written tests), hands-on (written test and lab practical) or engineering-based (constructing a device to preform a specific task). Over 7,800 middle school and high school teams from 50 U.S. states compete each year. Practices are afterschool September to March, competitions begin in December.

Business Professionals of America (BPA)
Sponsor: Mr. Santos
Description: BPA is a national co-curricular Career and Technical Student Organization preparing students for careers in areas such as finance, management, information technology, digital communication and design, and health care administration. Over 45,000 students compete each year in the US and internationally. BPA meets Mondays afterschool October to May, competitions begin in December.

DECA Marketing Organization
Sponsor: Mr. Santos
Description: DECA is a national co-curricular Career and Technical Student Organization preparing students for careers in areas such as marketing, business management, entrepreneurship, finance, and hospitality and tourism. Over 225,000 students compete in the US and internationally each year. DECA meets Tuesdays after school October to April, competitions begin in December.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Sponsor: Mr. Santos
Description: FBLA is a national co-curricular Career and Technical Student Organization preparing students for careers in business, finance, and information technology. Over 200,000 students compete in the US and internationally each year. FBLA meets Wednesdays afterschool October to June, competitions begin in March. 

Performing Arts

Concert Band
Sponsor: Ms. Ishikawa and Mr. Graham

Description: To participate in Band you must have previous music instruction in band, you may audition or you may be admitted by recommendation of the Band Director. Students taking this course are provided with a balanced comprehensive study of music through Concert Band literature. Solo and ensemble activities are designed to develop elements of musicianship and improve individual growth.  Placement in Concert Band requires participation in Marching Band (see Marching Band for more information). Concert Band begins after the Marching Band season. Four evening Band Concerts (December, March, April, May) are a mandatory part of the students’ grade. Solo and ensemble opportunities are also available to students.  Concert Band begins Mid-October, 1st Period.

Marching Band
Sponsor: Ms. Ishikawa and Mr. Graham

Description: To participate in Band you must have previous music instruction in band, you may audition or you may be admitted by recommendation of the Band Director. Rehearsals and performances are mandatory. Marching band starts rehearsals in the summer and run the first nine weeks of school.
The majority of performances are on either Friday or Saturday nights. Marching Band meets zero period (8am) through 1st period, rehearsals begin the last week of July and run through Mid-October. Once Marching Band is over, members will begin Concert Band everyday 1st period. 

Concert Choir
Sponsor: Ms. Ducharme

Description: Students are chosen for Concert Choir by a competitive audition process including a vocal audition and vocal exercises. The Concert Choir preforms in various styles and genres. Emphasis is placed on intonation, vocal production, performance technique, etiquette and music literacy. This choir preforms throughout the community collaborating with other choral ensembles and participates in the ISSMA District Contest in April.

Sponsor: Ms. Kohn

Description: The John Adams Orchestra meets zero period (8am) or 1st period. 

Jazz Ensemble
Sponsor: Ms. Ishikawa and Mr. Graham

Description: Jazz Ensemble is for music students interested in performing different styles of music such as Latin, funk, swing, samba, hip hop fusion, blues and be-bop. All students will audition to determine placement in one of two groups. All jazz students will have the opportunity to play with some well-known jazz artists and perform at jazz festivals around our area. Each band will perform in one or two jazz festivals as well as SBCSC Jazz Soundsations and our annual Big Band Bash. Students should be skilled in performance on their musical instrument and also be members of the concert Band, Orchestra or Choir. Students may participate in rehearsals and performances outside of the school day that support and extend learning in the classroom. 

Mixed Choir
Sponsor: Ms. Ducharme

Description: Mixed Choir is a non-auditioned entry level choir, which is open to any student in grades 9-12 who is interested in learning more about music and beginning (or furthering) their choral experience. Emphasis will be placed on developing basic skills, intonation, vocal production, performance technique, etiquette, music literacy and appreciation of music and the arts.

Show Choir
Sponsor: Ms. Ducharme

Description: Students are chosen for Show Choir by a competitive audition process including a vocal audition, dance audition, and vocal exercises. The Show Choir preforms in various styles including musical theatre, popular music, and rock. Emphasis will be placed on vocal technique, intonation, choreography and etiquette. This choir preforms frequently throughout the community and participates in the ISSMA Show Choir Contest in March. Show Choir meets zero period (8am) through 1st period.

Drama Club
Sponsor: Mrs. Burns

Description: The John Adams Drama Club has a primary goal of providing opportunities for students to participate in the many phases of a high school production, including acting, set construction, technical support, costuming and make-up artwork and design and so on. All students are welcome to audition for JAHS productions. At least two productions are preformed each year, with a musical every year, which is cosponsored by the JAHS Music Department. Other activities may be held as well, such as backstage clean-up, make-up workshops, theater field trips, etc. See the drama club website for more information