Statement on Cheating and Plagiarism

With all students working at least part-time on computers, the English department would like to remind students, parents, and guardians that cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Cheating/plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

  • Copying from a classmate
  • Pulling answers from any source (including the internet) and passing them off as your own

  • Not using quotation marks to indicate quoted material or not citing sources

  • Taking ideas from another person or source without giving credit

Students who engage in these actions will be subject to disciplinary actions, which begin with a zero for the assignment and parent contact and could result in administrative disciplinary action. For students in upper level (honors, IB, and AP courses), students may not be allowed to continue in those course levels.

If students are struggling with understanding an assignment or how to make sure they are citing something properly, they should discuss this with their teacher.